Hi, All! You may know that I have the honor of being on the staff of the online magazine "Scrapbook News & Review." I have to wait a bit before I can share my work that I did for them, so here is the work that was included in my first issue as a staffer.
The first one was for the "shaped paper" call. I love this line (Flaming Butterflies from Niki Sivils) and couldn't wait to use it. This is the first wedding photo of Chris and I that I have ever scrapped! Back in the golden age (almost 11 years ago) we didn't have digital pics taken, so my dad scanned in what I have and I am so glad to have it.

This was done for the "Family Photos" call. I try to think outside the box for the calls and this one fit since my whole family was in it. This is the scene as we were headed to check out of our hotel to go home from Disney. Everyone was so somber and didn't want the magic to end. I used a sketch by Kristine Davidson for this one.

Thanks for stopping by! I will have more work to share this week, so be sure to come back Monday AND Tuesday!!! ;)