Well, it's the last day of 2008, and before I start cooking meatballs and cleaning toilets for our little party tonight, I decided to take a moment to reflect on the year. It was full of lots of fun and adventures. And, what better way to share some of our adventures than to show you some of the layouts from the last year?! I knew you would agree!!
One of the fun things we did was to go bowling for the first time. We had a BLAST, and wouldn't you know it, Elizabeth beat us all....TWICE!! Bowling is definitely on our agenda for the year 2009!!
The kids took their first swimming lessons in 2008 and they LOVED it! We were amazed at how quickly they took to the lessons and at how quickly they learned. They were already pretty comfortable in the water, but now they are super comfortable and you should see them when we go to Auntie's Beach, or Dennis's house! It's a blast!
We also decided to take up camping in 2008. So, we bought ourselves a tent. Not just any tent, mind you, a HUGE tent!! We were only able to go camping once in 2008, but we will be doing lots more in 2009. Santa was even thinking about it when he brought the kids camping mattresses and camping chairs (which have quickly become Wii chairs!).
Colby has continued to grow his love of baseball. We had baselines and a pitcher's mound worn into the lawn by early June. He got his first real glove and practiced A LOT! He is, of course, a Red Sox fan, but at one of the Mainer's games we went to, he also became a big fan of the Manchester Silkworms! The first baseman and the catcher were handing him gameballs through the net and he was SOLD!

I can't believe how quickly Miss Elizabeth is growing up into a young lady. She is LOVING first grade and I think it's safe to say that first grade is loving her, too! I love these photos of her when she was "workin' the camera" just as summer was coming to a close. They show how beautiful (and sassy) she is! She continues to become smarter and more beautiful every day.
There were so many more adventures in 2008: Mimi and Papa moved a LOT closer to us (YAY!), Colby played on a REAL soccer team, Elizabeth had her second (of many) dance recital, we visited Grammy and her horses, camping with the Webber's,and SO much more. But, most importantly 2008 was a happy, healthy year for the Wise family. We hope 2009 will be the same for us, and for you!
Happy New Year!!